SITECH Sp. z o.o. has once again been recognized for its achievements in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, and has been awarded the CSR SILVER LEAF.
On April 16, 2019, in Warsaw, for the eighth time, the CSR Leaves were awarded by weekly POLITYKA, a consulting company Deloitte and the Responsible Business Forum as a distinction for the most responsible and socially engaged companies.
SITECH Sp. z o.o. has once again been recognized for its achievements in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, and has been awarded the CSR SILVER LEAF.
As every year, the areas analysed included corporate governance, human rights, behaviour towards employees, environmental protection, business integrity and social commitment. Conducting business activities taking into account the principles of social responsibility is a priority for our company. We implement the CSR strategy by, among other things, supporting innovation, supporting employees in the field of volunteering and acting in accordance with the principles of Compliance.
Among the awarded companies, there were two more companies of the concern: Volkswagen Poznan and Volkswagen Motor Polska, which received the CSR WHITE LEAF.