Compliance is a method of consistent company management. Consistent action is based on the observance of strictly defined rules and principles.
Compliance with statutory regulations and accepted standards are the basic principles of our company's operation and are treated with absolute priority.
They form the basis of our company's high market position, trust among customers and business partners, employee well-being and sustainable economic success. Every employee, regardless of their position, is responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules and principles at Brose Sitech Group.
The Brose Sitech Group has a Compliance Department, under which we have appointed a Compliance Officer who deals with taking care of compliance with procedures and processes within the organization, supervising the flow of information and identifying and managing conflicts of interest, as well as building awareness of employees in the Compliance area.
Any violations of the adopted rules of conduct and statutory provisions are not tolerated. It is necessary for all employees to be vigilant and ready in the event of a specific suspicion to signal a potential violation and to clarify the reported suspicions efficiently and objectively.
Have you witnessed non-compliance with rights and obligations, violation of employee rights, corruption or mobbing? You can talk to your supervisor and determine the way forward or report to the Compliance Officer. If this is not possible or you feel you prefer to contact an independent person, you can use anonymous reporting channels.
Violations e-mail
Whisleblowing system
Paulina Borkowska-Polanowicz
Compliance officer office
Stationary availability
Online availability